*This file replicates the results found in: **Salehyan, I. and K.S. Gleditsch. 2006. "Refugees and the Spread of Civil War." International Organization 60(2) ***By Idean Salehyan, March 1, 2006 *Copy and paste as a Stata .do file ***************************************************************************** *Table 4, model 1 *Controls only logit nonset nbcwbin polityb polityb2 lngdp lnpop het peace1 s1a s2a s3a , robust * Table 4, model 2 * Add refugees from neighboring states within 100km logit nonset logref2 nbcwbin polityb polityb2 lngdp lnpop het peace1 s1a s2a s3a , robust *Table 5, model 3 *Include ethnic kin in neighbors logit nonset logref2 nbcwbin ethnicnb polityb polityb2 lngdp lnpop het peace1 s1a s2a s3a , robust *Table 5, model 4 *Restrict to large wars logit bigconset logref2 nbcwbin polityb polityb2 lngdp lnpop het peace2 s1c s2c s3c , robust *Table 5, model 5 *Refugees per 1,000 logit nonset lrefpct nbcwbin polityb polityb2 lngdp lnpop het peace1 s1a s2a s3a , robust *Table 5, model 6 *Refugees per 1,000 and ethnic kin logit nonset lrefpct nbcwbin ethnicnb polityb polityb2 lngdp lnpop het peace1 s1a s2a s3a , robust ***Models refered to in text, but not shown. * Refugees from neighboring states within 950km logit nonset lognb950 nbcwbin polityb polityb2 lngdp lnpop het peace1 s1a s2a s3a , robust * All refugees, regardless of distance logit nonset loghost nbcwbin polityb polityb2 lngdp lnpop het peace1 s1a s2a s3a , robust * Refugees from non-neighbors (950km) logit nonset lnfarhst950 nbcwbin polityb polityb2 lngdp lnpop het peace1 s1a s2a s3a , robust * Refugees from neighbors and non-neighbors (950km) logit nonset lognb950 lnfarhst950 nbcwbin polityb polityb2 lngdp lnpop het peace1 s1a s2a s3a , robust