Class Study 6

Are salaries related to gender? To answer this question, a researcher gathers data from a large number of respondents and then performs a one-way ANOVA on the gender and salary data.

Use the ASCII data in "j:\ling\msdos\otherdata\dfstudy6.txt" for a complete data list.

Data file: dfstudy6.sav
Variables: RESP, GEND, SAL

1       1     28900
2       1     28000
3       1     27500
4       1     30300
5       1     18000
6       0     31700
7       1     26000
8       1     25000
9       0     20000
(data continue in dfstudy6.txt)

Answer the following question:

  1. What kind of data are in the three variables (nominal, ordinal, or interval)?