IPA Fonts

The International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) transcribes utterances for phonetics and phonology. You may write out IPA transcriptions by hand, but you also need to type transcriptions using the computer (e.g., for research papers in your phonology class).

TWLAB maintains the following three IPA fonts from the Summer Institute of Linguistics (SIL) for your use with Word or WordPerfect:  

To access these fonts from Word or WordPerfect, select "Format" from the menu toolbar and then select "Font." To understand how to type these fonts, reference the IPA keyboard layout.

These three fonts represent a relatively simple and reduced set; more comprehensive IPA fonts are available for your personal use on the World Wide Web. Most are free of charge. Go to The Linguist List (http://www.emich.edu/~linguist/), and access sites carrying IPA fonts. 

I will present an IPA fonts exercise in class, so you can practice using the IPA fonts.