Navigating in CHILDES with DOS
(Ignore if using Windows)

Navigating in CHILDES with DOS is just like navigating on any other DOS disk. Files are located in directories, which may be embedded under other directories. The top-most directory is known as the "root" directory. The following outline shows, in part, the location of the files on Adam, Eve, and Sarah:


To go up or down in directories, type the "cd" command.  For example, to go down into the "brown" directory from the "root" directory, type the following command:

cd brown <enter>

To go down from there into Eve's data, type the following command:

cd eve <enter>

To go up one directory from any level in DOS, type the following command:

cd .. <enter>

To observe your current position in the system directory, type the "dir" command:

dir <enter>